
Ensuring proper sanitation with clean wrestling headgear

A piece of wrestling headgear is a personal item, worn close to the skin, wrestlers sweat in them and even bleed in them. This makes the headgear a hotbed for staph infections and ring worms to happen.Without proper sanitation, bacteria and germs are left on the headgear. Any cuts that a wrestler has might also be exposed to the germs on the headgear.

The best policy to play safe is to always maintain a high level of hygiene. Never share your headgear with your teammate as there is a possibility of infections due to the contact of blood. Make sure that the head gears are properly cleaned before you put it away rather than giving it a wipe the next time you are using it. Why? Blood and sweat will have dried on the wrestling headgear already. In fact, to be on the safe side, clean it before and after you use it to ensure a high standard of hygiene.

You can use some disposable alcohol wipes to clean your headgear. Note that the external of the headgear is also important and should not be forgotten when cleaning. Also, you have to ensure that all your buckle straps are cleaned.

A well-ventilated area should be where you are storing all your wrestling gear, not some dark and dry storeroom so that the moisture can escape if your gears are not completely dry. If you are storing the headgear in a dry storeroom, it is best to wait for your headgear to dry after your cleaning before putting it in until the next time that you use it. This reduces the chances for fungus to grow on the straps.

It is of best practice to shine your wrestling gear in the sun once in a while because this can also help to kill bacterial and prevent fungus to grow.

It should be of paramount importance to ensure that all wrestling gear is maintained and cleaned properly so as to protect the wrestler against skin irritations and infections, which can cause even more complications.

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